Elijah Oduma - Sponsor Now

•Elijah is a sixteen-year-old boy who lives in the slum of Kawangware. He is the fifth child in a family of six children. They all live in a one roomed sheet metal house.
•Elijah’s mother is HIV positive. His father left his mother when he found out she was positive. She has had to fight all odds to make sure her children have access to education and basic needs. The fruits of her efforts are that Elijah scored so well on his exams. Being the sole provider of the family, she has to struggle to pay her rent and buy food at the same time. Two of her children, Shadrack, who is 10 years old and Emmanuel, who is 16 years old, are HIV positive and must have a balanced diet due to the medication they are on.
•Elijah should already be in high school like other children his age, but because he has no sponsorship, he is behind. He loves playing soccer during his free time. His favorite subjects are Social Studies and Christian Religious Education.
James 4:6 But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”