A temporary shelter was put in place to house children who were orphaned, abandoned or kicked out of their homes. The 2 rooms are 10' x 10' each and have 5 - 6 bunk beds. The shelter is located in the Kawangware slums, close to the school. Click here to learn more.

Specific requirements must be met in order to attend school in Kenya. Those requirements cost money, thus negatively affecting the poorest of the poor. The lack of education leads to perpetual poverty. Click here to learn more.

Medical needs are an ongoing issue because of the culture and harsh living conditions. Meeting these needs is determined individually, depending on the situation and available funding Click here to learn more.

Microfinance is a financial process of assisting entrepreneurs who may not otherwise qualify for a loan or grant due to poverty. The recipient requesting the loan receives classes on starting and running a business as part of the process. Click here to learn more.