This is Consulata Agola. Consulata reached out to Heart To Heart Orphans Children Centre (HTHOCC) because she was three months behind on her rent and needed help catching up. Her rent was $30.00 a month. After receiving the $90.00, she went on to become a microfinance recipient. Consulata wanted to start her own fruit and vegetable stand. By using resources from the microfinance fund, she began her business and was eventually able to expand and was doing quite well, unfortunately, when COVID hit, her business took a hit as well. It wasn't a complete loss, as many lessons were learned in the process, allowing for the restructuring of the microfinance program and the strengthening of faith.
Ann Tracey is a 12 year old girl with cerebral palsy. Her family struggled with anything beyond basic medical needs. They requested items to help Ann Tracy become more independent and to improve her overall quality of life. Read more by clicking below: Tracey is a 12 year old girl with cerebral palsy. Her family struggled with anything beyond basic medical needs. They requested orthotic braces, a wheel chair, and a handicap potty chair. They opted for a walking chair so Ann Tracey could strengthen her muscles. The orthotics will aid her ability to eventually walk independently and the potty chair has allowed her privacy.
During our last trip to Kenya, we met up with one of the sponsored children and his family. Felix's mother expressed the hardship of the children doing their homework with inadequate lighting, due to the lack of electricity to the home. She showed us the cistern can, similar to the flame of a candle, she used for light. Thomas and Esther, our Communications Liaison's, put together a proposal and came up with an estimate. We're pleased to say that by the end of the week, and for just $30.00, Felix and his family had electricity running to their home. They no longer have to do homework by candlelight. We know God is the one who opens doors and presents opportunities. We pray it's His light that shines the brightest in this family's life.
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Veronica is the mother to four precious little girls. She worked throughout her pregnancy to provide for her family. She would carry a heavy coffee table on her back, down a winding flight of stairs, to a roadside stand, where she would sell meat pies to pedestrians. In spite of her financial struggles and hardships, she displayed such a joy and positive attitude during our visit. Because of your support, HTHOU was able to provide Veronica with two new mattresses, school shoes and a book bag for her daughter, a lightweight, folding table, an update to some of her equipment, along with four months' rent for maternity relief. Your generosity allows us to share the love of Jesus and make a lasting impact. Thank you for your support and the love you have shown.​Please view the video .
Proverbs 31:8-9 Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy