Elizabeth Khanaiza - Sponsor Now

•Elizabeth lives with her grandmother in the slums of Kibera. She was born in the country where her parents were able to take care of her. She often went without food and would have to beg in the streets in order to get enough food to eat. Her grandmother brought her to Nairobi where she could take care of her.
•The grandmother is also taking care of another child, who is disabled. She does temporary work to earn a living and she has no one else to help her. Every morning she wakes up early and goes around to area houses knocking on doors, to see if she can get any work. On some days she gets lucky but on other days she comes home empty handed.
•The family has gone without food on many nights, but every morning they wake up with the hope that tomorrow will be better. It’s a struggle for the grandmother to pay rent as well as to keep food on the table. Elizabeth needs support with her education.
James 4:6 But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”