This is Marion. She was born February 3, 2002. She is 17 years old and in the 3rd grade. She is the second of 4 children living in a 1 room house in the Kibera slum. Her father has passed away leaving her mother to be the sole provider for the family. Marion and her siblings miss school regularly due to their lack of school fees. Marion is HIV positive and currently on medication.
To earn a living, Marion's mother does occasional, temporary jobs within the Kibera slums but the income she gets is hardly enough to meet the family's basic needs. Jobs are scarce because work is so competitive and often employers don't pay, even after performing the work. Her mother says that feeding her four children has been difficult because regular employment is challenging due to frequent visits to the hospital. Her mother too, is HIV positive and suffers from kidney problems and swelling in her legs. This limits her ability to work at times.
Food is a major challenge for the family. Often there's not enough food so the children go to sleep hungry. When they are able, Heart To Heart Orphans Children Centre (HTHOCC) will provide what they are able to provide, to help out. Paying rent is a big challenge. On several occasions, they have had to sleep on the streets after being evicted for not paying rent. When they are able to get enough to pay, it's not much better the being outside. In the United States, when someone pays rent, the landlord is expected to maintain the house and keep it in a habitable condition. In Kenya, the tenant is expected to take care of the maintenance. Naturally, if there isn't any money for rent, then there isn't money for repairs. The house is in poor condition. Because it's made of mud, the rain has taken it's toll on the structure. Floods have swept some parts of the walls so at night it gets cold and water comes in making it miserable for Marion and her family. No child should have to live that way. The family has tried to fix and rebuild the wall, but they are limited in their skills and materials.
Marion's mother is unable to keep up with her children's education and currently there is a balance owed for school fees. Prayerfully consider sponsoring Marion and showing her that somebody actually cares about her. By sponsoring her, she'll receive a Christian education and have hope towards her future. She's behind in school, but that doesn't mean she won't be able catch up. A little encouragement goes a long way! You can give Marion a on-time gift of any amount or become a monthly sponsor for $50.00 a month. Please pray about how you can help. Jesus loves children and Jesus loves Marion.

We'd like you to meet Frankline. He was born in 2003 and will turn 17 years old in 2020. He is in the 8th grade and currently attends Prince of Peace Academy.
Frankline is the second child in a family of four children. He lives with his mother, grandmother and three of his siblings in a one roomed house in the slums of Kawagware.
Four years ago he lost his father due to illness. His mother, Edinah Makungu, is a woman who has fought against all odds to be strong for her children. Others said she wouldn’t be able to hold her family together but she did what she had to do to make sure they stayed together.
To earn a meager living, Edinah sells chicken parts along the side of the road. If, at the end of the day, she hasn't sold everything, she’ll walk door to door looking for customers who will purchase her food so that she can have enough money to feed her family.
They live in a one room, mud house, with no electricity. This is a problem since the children are unable to complete their homework at night. This forces them to get up early in the morning and get to school so they can do their homework. Food and clothing are also a problem. There's just not enough money to feed and dress them at the same time.
Frankline is an average student but he has a very good personality. Heart To Heart Orphans Children Centre believes that having a sponsor will be an encouragement to him. It will show him that there are others that care for him and his future and will give him hope to try even harder. Although he has many challenges, he is still determined to make it in life and become a pilot when he grows up.
Prayerfully consider sponsoring Frankline. Monthly sponsorships are $50.00 but even a one time gift would be an encouragement. Heart To Heart Orphan's USA prays that Frankline will have a sponsor before the year 2020 gets here.
James 4:6 But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”